The feeling of having no motivation to do anything can be quite devastating.. I know and I can relate. As a matter of fact, if we think about it, it’s somewhere on the brink of depression, which is not a good place to be at. The good news, however, is that if you are feeling this way, you are not alone, and that’s for sure!

Because we are human, we all from time to time experience sadness, anger and apathy… just like we experience joy, love and excitement.

René Descartes once said – “Cogito, ergo sum”, which translates into  – “I think, therefore I am.” I will add to that – “I feel, therefore I am.”

Cogito, ergo sum. (I think, therefore I am.) – René Descartes

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I know that there are many other blogs and websites that have already given their explanations on what to do when there is no motivation to do anything, but I want to explain it from my point of view. From the way I have experienced it, motivation, or the lack of it, for that matter, has always been the result of my feelings that were linked to certain events. The events would usually need to be intense, either towards the positive or the negative.

The positive events that increased my motivation could have been: getting a perfect score in a university test, moving to a new country, getting a girlfriend, making my first money online, getting my first dog, getting a driver’s license, falling in love, getting a raise, getting a new job, going on vacation, registering a business, etc.

The negative events, which initially decreased my motivation, on the other hand, were tough to handle: not getting into a college, quitting college, health problems with my parents, being all alone abroad for a long time, breakups, loss of a relative, failure in business, losing a best friend, difficult situations at work, having no money, problems with the authorities, etc.

There are plenty more on the list, but I hope you get the point.

So as you can see, I have been able to link in my case the question of motivation directly to feelings that were associated with certain events in my life. Of course, it took me time to understand this connection.

Ok… So what do I do now?

So where am I going with this, you might ask? Well, if you are struggling and you also have absolutely no motivation to do anything at this very moment, I want you to brainstorm a bit.

We all feel this way

First of all, as I already mentioned in the beginning, start by acknowledging the fact that you, just like anyone else, are a human and you are totally allowed to feel demotivated. It’s normal, we all experience this.

It’s not a crime to not want to do anything. It’s a crime to stay this way for too long as you are wasting your life. Helping you understand that is exactly why I am writing this post. I wish somebody was there to help me out when I was struggling.

Find the root cause

I understand that when you don’t feel motivated to do anything, you won’t, which is even further going to push you down. So the faster you get out of it, the better.

Look at the example events that I have written above. Try to figure out what is your event/events that may have initially started your rut. It could be anything, even something as complicated as “having no purpose in life”. If that’s your case, dig deeper. Why do you feel that you don’t have a purpose in life?

Purpose in life

The reason why I specifically brought up the purpose of life is because it is one of the most common reasons why one may feel no motivation to do anything.

One of my most boring, pointless periods of life that lasted for a decent amount of time was linked to having no purpose. I simply did not know what to do next.

This is a toughy, I agree. But if you also feel this way, it’s time to do some research by digging deeper into your brain.

Ask yourself, “what makes me truly happy?” If there really is nothing, imagine what could make you happy. Is it to have more money? To have a wife or husband? To live in another country, somewhere warm and cozy? To get into college? Become a veterinarian? What is it?

The answer to your question might be right there in front of your nose. Just don’t shake it off like you may have done in the past. Most things are doable.


If you recall, in the beginning of the blog post, I wrote the following sentence “The negative events, which initially decreased my motivation, on the other hand, were tough to handle“. I had the word “initially” emphasized for a reason. Why?

Absolutely No Motivation to Do Anything! What Do I Do?! 2

The reason why I had it emphasized and returned to it now is because it lies in the core of what I am trying to get across here. Series of events that have caused deep sorrow and sadness in you, events that may have piled on top of each other over a period of time and made you to not want to do anything anymore can be reversed!

I remember my father once being extremely upset about being laid off from work. It wasn’t his fault – the company laid off many people because of the economy. But he was extremely distressed nevertheless. Solution? He let it go, found a new job and the problem was gone. As simple as that.

What if I have a broken heart? Go find people to talk to as soon as possible. Don’t just sit there feeling miserable. I know, it hurts, it sucks, but it’s not the end of the world, no matter how bad it may feel at that very moment. The same goes for the loss of a loved one or a relative. This is life, and there is death, whether we like it or not. But we must move on.

Short on money? Figure out a way to make it. There is nothing wrong with finding a temporary job while you come up with a better option.

Adjusting your mindset!

All of these things, of course, will require you to make that first step in order to heal – it is a prerequisite. But as soon as you take that first bit of action, you will be on the right path. Motivation is simply a question of just starting.

The goal is to understand that you are your own hero, you create your life and you have full control over how you feel.

And if you can’t take that first step on your own, read a book or two on the subject, watch a video from YouTube. I’ve had plenty of positive experiences in life and uplifts in motivation simply by watching YouTube. There are thousands of channels that can help you better understand your problem and start your motivational engine going. I am sure that you can at least do that much for yourself. 🙂

Also, if you have failed in something, don’t accept it as your final destination. Learn from it, grow, get better. Use it to your advantage when you try again. Try harder, be smarter and be better at it.

If you don’t have the right people around you, go find new people to make friends with and talk to. There are plenty of websites online, including groups on Facebook that gather together like-minded people. Sure, it may be awkward to meet with them at first, but think of all the benefits. I’ve found random groups online to hang out with in my area plenty of times. And even though I was anxious every single time, it’s always been worth it.

Finally, your health. If you know that your diet isn’t right, you are not getting enough sleep and/or you don’t exercise, start right there. Get these things fixed first. All of them directly affect the health of your body, which in turn, directly affects the health of your mind. And that, my friend, directly affects your motivation. The healthier your body is, the more energy (motivation) you will have in order to get $h!t done.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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