Tag: Happiness (page 4 of 6)

What to Do When You Are Feeling Lonely and Sad: 7 Things to Do

What to do when you are feeling lonely and sad? Ironically, even though the population of the world is growing, we have the internet and technology, so many people today feel extremely lonely. Why is this so? Shouldn’t it be easier to communicate with one another?

Loneliness isn’t the same as isolation, yet it can be just as bad if not taken care of in a timely manner. A person that is lonely and sad can become depressed, turn to alcohol and drugs, or even worse. For this very reason, it is important to not be in this state for long. Fortunately, all of this can be treated relatively easily.


Stop Using Sports for Politics and Hate! It’s to Unite, to Celebrate

To be honest, I never was a big fan of football (soccer, for those of you that are American). I’ve always been quite lousy with the ball myself, and Russia, the country that I am from, isn’t exactly great at it either. But because this year the FIFA World Cup was being held in Russia, and the team seemed to do better than it ever has, I decided to follow the event as much as possible.

What I witnessed both amazes and disgusts me. On the one hand, I see so much happiness and union between people from all over the world, having the time of their lives while celebrating and cheering for their own as well as other countries. But on the other hand, I see how the mass media has been using the event to build anger and hate between people. It’s just plain awful and ugly.

Yes, I know that politics have always been a part of sports and probably always will be, but the extent to which it has happened this year is just beyond my ability to rationalize it.


How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Once and for All

Fear is something that is deeply integrated into us and something that we need in order to stay alive. Fear is what kept our ancestors from dying out by not allowing them to play around with lions or jumping off a cliff. However, because fear is not a choice, it often works against us, especially in the world we live in today.

Please read on to better understand how to overcome the fear of failure in everyday life.


Top 10 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance – Don’t Burn Out!

Let’s face it, regardless of how good and caring a corporation may be towards the employees, its main job is to make money. And it uses your time, skills and effort to make that happen. Of course, from time to time this inevitably leads to stress and even burnouts, which is something we definitely don’t want.

To avoid burning out, you must create a better work-life balance for yourself. Yes, some companies do take their employee mental health very seriously, but at the end of the day, you are still at work, eight hours a day, five days a week. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have enough time for yourself and the people that you love.

Below you will find the ten tips for a better work-life balance. Please make sure that you read them carefully and apply them in your life. You will most likely work until you are very old, which is why it is crucial to create the optimal work-balance life already today.


How to Be True to Yourself When It’s so Damn Hard

I will be honest with you, being true to yourself is not always an easy task. As a matter of fact, I think that being true to yourself today is harder than it has ever been. And the reason for that is the internet.

The internet, like it or not, has made all of us public figures to a certain extent. We have social network profiles through which we receive likes, dislikes, positive and negative comments, constructive and not so constructive criticism. We are basically out there for the world to judge us.

And for some of us, constant judgment is not something we are able to handle so well. Even the toughest of us, from time to time, are negatively affected by what others think and say about us. As a result, we change from who we genuinely are into somebody whom we think others will like more.