Tag: Happiness (page 5 of 6)

How to Get More Energy and Say “NO” to Daily Fatigue

In this post, I want to share with you the proven and effective ways how to get more energy without using coffee or any other stimulants. Some of these approaches are really straightforward, while some require a bit more work and may be less intuitive at first. But trust me, experience shows that they work. And unlike with stimulants, energy gained this way involves no “crashing”, addiction and any other negative side effects. We are all about health on this blog! 🙂


The 3 Pillars of Self-Development – Your Road to Fulfillment

Self-development is one of the broadest subjects. For some of us, it has become a lifestyle, something that is with us 24/7. In the search for happiness, health and wealth, we try to completely immerse ourselves into it. We constantly read books, watch documentaries, buy programs and listen to smart people talk because we truly believe that all of that will help us move forward.

But do you ever feel like self-development is just exhausting you? Do you ever feel like you have had enough, that you just want to relax and be able to enjoy life doing nothing? To be completely honest with you, I know I do. When you work so hard, but see so little progress, it is only a matter of time before you get fed up. And that is the exact reason why everything should have a structure and be done in moderation, including self-development. In other words, we should avoid being fanatical about it.


How to Be More Attractive in 15 Steps – Your Must-Have Guide

It’s not a secret that we often get judged by our appearance. The way we look, act, talk and even smell, are the first things through which others will experience us. And while in the long run, people may change their opinion about us towards the better or worse, it can be quite important to make that first positive impression, especially in situations, such as a job interview. In fact, many studies have shown that professionalism is commonly judged by appearance.

Due to the importance of this topic, I have put together a guide of how to be attractive. These are the 15 steps you need to make sure you are taking in order to create a positive image of yourself.


Why Meditation Is So Life Changing: 6 Reasons to Meditate Every Day

To feel better, so many people today are taking antidepressants, going to therapy and looking for help from the outside. And while all of these may be necessary in certain cases, many could improve simply by adding exercise and daily meditation session into their life. Yes, this does require work and consistency, but only through work can real fulfillment and change occur. Only when one changes their habits and consciously lets go of things that are taking them down, they will be able to make that positive transformation in life. There is no easy fix, unfortunately. 


4 Must Have Health and Bodybuilding Supplements for Better Performance and a Happier Life

In one of my previous posts, I wrote about the diet that I, as a vegetarian and a regular gym goer, follow. I wrote about the foods that I eat, but also about the supplements that I take. In this post, however, I would like to focus more on the 4 health and bodybuilding supplements that I consume and genuinely believe in.

Please note, however, that I not a specialist in the field of nutrition, nor I claim to be one. I simply share my own thoughts on health and bodybuilding supplements based on personal experience and various research papers that I have read. If you are unsure of some supplement, do own research on it and consult with a certified physician or other healthcare professional.